Burritos, tacos, nachos, the rundown is by all accounts interminable with regards to delicious Mexican dishes. The cooking is greatly adored all through the globe and here in the capital is no particular case. So we've accepted enchiladas and crashed through pollos (just for research motivations behind course) to bring you the best Mexican cafés in Muscat.
5. Bomba Burrito

This spot is a secret jewel. Client care is phenomenal, and as a Mexican café, they have some Mexican staff initially from Mexico. The assortment of hot sauces are delightful and straightforwardly from Mexico. The food is Amazing and accompanies incredible bits. It's concealed in the Al Muzin Mall near The Wave. Certainly worth difficult.
Location: Al Muzn Mall Mawaleh North Seeb OM Muscat OM, 121, Oman
4. Pavo Real

Margarita, margarita and more margaritas. Amiable staff and a great cook who deals with only solicitations. It will be unreasonable to name one dish and leave out the others.
Location: Al Bashair Street Way No Muscat OM, 116, Oman
3. Loko

Delicious, delectable scrumptious! I would effectively give it ten stars excellent food and friendly staff; we have attempted nearly everything in the menu essentially, you can't blame anything it probably won't be highly bona fide Mexican however it tastes delicious, and the spot is stylish and clean. An unquestionable requirement attempt!
Location: Al Qurum Complex, Al Wilaj St, Muscat, Oman
2. Sombrero Restaurant

The best Mexican food I at any point had in Muscat. I had the nano tacos, which was a significant piece of flavours; at that point, the hamburger stacked fries were genuinely scrumptious with a trace of spiciness. It was sassy as well; the dark mojito was a refreshing beverage to go with. The chicken quesadillas were yummy to the point that we rehashed the request. The Alfredo pasta was so velvety and delicious as well. You can unquestionably evaluate anything on their menu.
Location: 561 Al Wilaj St, Muscat, Oman
1. Taco Man

As excellent Mexican food as you will discover in Muscat, however delicious, segments are not tremendous (the burritos and quesadillas are the best value for your money). Great guacamole. It's toward the rear of the shopping centre close to the Intercontinental at shatti, simply past Slider Station. Certainly worth eating here if you like Mexican food.
Location: Muscat, Oman